We provide reliable and durable deer fence installations in Central New Jersey, designed to protect your property and landscaping from unwanted wildlife. Our deer fences are constructed from high-quality materials and built to withstand the elements, creating a secure barrier that effectively keeps deer out without disrupting the natural beauty of your surroundings. Whether for residential properties, farms, or gardens, we customize each installation to meet your specific needs, offering a long-lasting solution that ensures peace of mind and preserves your outdoor spaces.
Deer fencing involves installling tall, sturdy posts- either wood or metal, securely anchored into the ground via concrete footings to provide a stable framework. Heavy-duty mesh or wire fencing material is stretched between the posts, typically reaching heights of 6-8 feet to prevent deer from jumping over. The wire is extremely strong, yet flexible, allowing it to blend with the environment while remaining highly effective in keeping deer out. Additional tension wires or bracing may be used to reinforce the structure, ensuring the fence remains taut and durable, even in the harsh weather conditions we can face here in NJ.